
Modernise workplace with the industry's leading productive & collaboration platform


With our SharePoint consulting services, revolutionise the way you share information, collaborate, and communicate.

Migration & Upgrades

Move to SharePoint on Office 365 or upgrade to its latest on-premise version to take advantage of the newest capabilities that SharePoint has to offer.


Further harness the capabilities of SharePoint by integrating it with a Document Automation or Security add-on, your ERP or Project Management system.

Change Management Planning

Get structured guidance on leading the transformation in your organisation by equipping your users and supporting them with the knowledge to cope with change.

Governance & Security

Define the rules and guidelines on how to use your SharePoint environment and provide security protocols and tools to help protect your sensitive information.


  • Intranets, Extranets & Web Portals
  • Dashboards & Reporting
  • Sharing & Collaboration
  • Document & Content Management
  • Workflow & Business Process Automation
  • Search & Share Organisational Information
  • Third-party product integration
  • Web service development
  • Cloud compliant app development
  • Farm administration & support
  • Information Governance & Taxonomy
  • Retention & Compliance

Let’s take a glimpse of our success stories!

Let’s Talk!